
Natural Under Eye Treatments

What natural ingredients help under eye circles?

natural-under-eye-treatmentsThere are many products on the market that promise to get rid of those dark circles you have under your eyes. But you can use ingredients found in your own home to make natural creams that will show you a big difference, too.

Your dark circles could have been brought about not only by aging but also by heredity. As the pad of fat that rests beneath the eye thins when you age, it may give the area under your eyes a sunken look. Slow blood flow accentuates that look. Vitamin K has shown itself to be helpful in diminishing these circles’ appearance.

A Cosmetic and Toiletries study had two groups applying under-eye creams. The group using a topical under-eye cream along with a sunscreen did not see nearly the results in lightening of the circles as did a second group that used a cream for the area under the eye that contained retinol and vitamin K. This group showed much more lightening.

You’ve probably seen photos of women with cucumber slices on their eyes, but did you know that raw potatoes will also help dark under-eye circles? Use either one for about 15 to 20 minutes and then wash your face using warm water and gently apply your favorite cream.

You can also grate the cucumber instead of slicing it, and squeeze out the juice before refrigerating it. Mix this cucumber-rich juice with a lanolin cream and pure lemon juice and apply to the under-eye area for ten to 15 minutes. Alternately, you can use simple lemon juice on the dark areas.

Are other natural ingredients also effective against circles under the eyes?

Other home remedies that treat dark circles include crushed mint or almond oil applied under the eyes. You may also make a paste of pineapple juice and turmeric powder and apply to the dark circles.

Niacinamide, which is derived from Niacin, is sometimes used to lighten skin, especially in areas of hyperpigmentation. Applying a moisturizer with a five percent concentration of niacinamide has been shown in a study to successfully decrease the hyperpigmentation and increase the lightness of the skin. Using it topically will also allow you to make use of its properties as an anti-inflammatory agent, which works well for dark circles and puffy eyes.

Almonds in a cream base are an excellent “food” for skin, and they help to reduce the under eye circles. If you use such a cream, be sure to remove it after about ten minutes. You shouldn’t leave any creams on the skin around your eyes for longer than 15 to 20 minutes.

Making a paste from tomato juice and mint leaves can ease some of the dark look of circles under the eyes. Iron and vitamin C are also helpful. Yellow or red peppers are helpful to use under the eyes. or you may use a cream that contains vitamin C and vitamin E to reduce the dark circles.

Stopping some habits will help improve the look of dark circles under your eyes, too. If you stop eating greasy foods, drinking alcohol and smoking, this will increase the overall health of your skin and body.

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