If you’re looking for positive results, we’re here to help. Why let “backne” ruin your summertime of sea, sand and surf? Acne treatment is here to help!
More than faces suffer from acne during the summer months. You may have breakouts on chest, neck, shoulders and of course, on your back.
We’ll show you just how to rid your back of acne, including a tip that is cheap, plus advice on a helpful product that will work its best on your back.
How is Acne Different When it’s on Your Back?
That’s an excellent first question, and there’s more than one reason why the acne on your back is different than the acne that is found on your face or your neck.
First, consider that the pores on your back are generally a lot wider than facial pores. Add to this the fact that your back also has thousands of glands that produce oil, and when they start over-producing, it’s not a pretty sight. This can mean serious acne.
So, stronger treatments are needed to battle the over-production of oil in your back’s pores and to prevent the oil from clogging those pores.
Our #1 Top Tip For Getting Rid of Acne on Your Back
This is a simple three-step remedy you can use at home to get rid of back acne, and it will need to be repeated on a daily basis for a month or more, before you’ll see positive results. It takes a lot of perseverance.
Step One: Use Steam
This is very simple, and it means you’ll have to fill your bathtub ¾ full with hot water and mix in between five and ten drops of tea tree oil. This will help in killing outside infections. Add one cup of sea salt to act as a very natural exfoliator. Submerge yourself for 15 minutes or longer, and then dry off. Your pores will be more fully open, so that you can supply your skin with nutrients that will help it in fighting off acne.
Step Two: Go Get Some Vitamin D – from the Sun!
Yes, it’s as simple as that. Vitamin D3 that you get from exposure to the sun is a hormone. One of the biggest reasons for the overproduction of oil in your body is hormone imbalances. The sun’s Vitamin D3 will help your body in restoring your hormone levels to normal, and thus help your body to cut back on its oil production. Vitamin D3 is not easily absorbed into your skin, so get as much sun as you can after your tea tree bath, when your pores are clean and well-opened. Don’t overdo it and get sunburned, though. Ten or 15 minutes in direct sunlight and without sunscreen will be plenty.
Step 3 : Get Up and Grow Moisturizer of Your Own
We’re talking about that plant which contains the most Vitamin B, and that’s aloe vera. In the first two steps above, you’ve cleaned out your skin and cleared out many of your essential nutrients. You have to replace those nutrients if you want your skin to heal, and not scar. Aloe vera is actually rather like weeds, and it grows very easily. Peel back the aloe vera skin and have someone rub that aloe into the skin of your back. Wait and allow it to dry.
DON’T take a shower in the first three to five hours after you finish these steps. The vitamin D3 and vitamin B need lots of time to be absorbed fully into your skin. If you shower too soon, it will wash them away before they have had a good chance to enter your body system.
Here is a Product That Will Make It Much Easier
We already talked about the fact that getting rid of acne on your back will require more attention than getting rid of acne on your face, since there are more glands in your back that produce oil.
So, when you go to choose a product, you need to focus on finding one that is very powerful in clearing up unwanted oil.
One such product proves itself every time it’s tried. It’s Exposed Acne Treatment. We recommend this product because they allow you to personalize their solution for acne. After you go through their process of evaluation, they’ll give you the products that will suit your needs the best. Be sure as you fill out the evaluation that you mention your acne is severe, and needs a higher than normal ingredient concentration.
Right now, there is simply no product designed to work on acne of the back, but many people have had good results with Exposed Acne Treatment. If you can’t afford to purchase this product, stick with the steps we gave you above. They will be able to help to some degree, as well.
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