If you are a Dr. Oz fan (we are), you might have heard him speak recently about the oil extracted from a very unique little tree that is only found in Morocco. This anti aging cream is known as argan oil and it has many benefits, including an ability to help in nourishing hair, in treating acne and it may even help in preventing obesity.
What we’re talking about now, though, is the way it can dramatically moisturize your skin. We’ll review its future in the dog-eat-dog world of anti-aging treatments. It’s a positive step away from chemical-laden cosmetics, and a step toward the use of a naturally safe, highly effective product that offers you results as impressive as cosmetics used today.
What is that product, you might ask?
It’s called Essence of Argan.
You know by now, ladies, that we NEVER trust the hype that accompanies any new brand of product, so while we’re reviewing Essence of Argan, we’ll break it down to reveal all the pro’s and con’s both. We’ll also rate the way it works when you compare it to many anti-aging products you can buy today.
If there are problems with this product, like any other, we’ll find them for you.
Click Here To See Our Highest Rated Reviews
What Exactly Is this Essence Of Argan?
Essence of Argan is made with 100% pure argan oil from Morocco. Perhaps the best question for you to ask would be…
What benefits does it offer me, and how does it work?
First off, argan oil has been used for many decades by Moroccan natives, and they still use it today, as a natural moisturizer that replenishes cracked, dry skin. This is commonly seen after your skin is exposed to especially dry heat and lots of sun.
Argan oil comes directly from argan tree nuts. This amazing tree flourishes in a location where lots of vegetation simply dies away. The irony isn’t lost on us that this moisture-rich oil is found in a land that is as dry as nearly anyplace on earth.
It’s known as Moroccan Gold by natives, but we might just call it Liquid Gold. It’s difficult to get, due to the limited areas in which the trees grow. The main reason it’s in such demand now is the media coverage after Dr. Oz mentioned it on TV. He made the public aware of the skin care potential of this oil, even though a lucky few might have been happily not telling anyone about this oil before that time.
We believe that argan oil was not being hoarded by a fortunate few, but rather that it’s natural and it costs a lot more to harvest and make than other cosmetics’ ingredients. There weren’t any major brands that would pay for the cost to manufacture and sell it. There wouldn’t have been enough profit in it to make them their money.
That’s the reason we feel that if Dr. Oz hadn’t revealed it to everyone, that Essence of Argan probably would never have been made.
What are Argan Oil Benefits?
Argan oil is labeled as a solution for aging skin solely, so we will focus on these abilities that it lays claim to:
- Wrinkle and fine line reduction
- Improvement in your skin’s elasticity
- 1000% increase in your skin’s moisture
- All its treatments are done without any clogging of pores
How Does Argan Oil Resolve These Problems?
Argan oil, as we mentioned, claims to be among the most powerful agents for moisturizing that we have seen. And we’ve seen a lot.
But how does a simple moisturizing agent reduce wrinkles and lines?
Argan oil is made from 80% fatty acids, which also make up the protective layer of your skin cells. Think of it as a force field for your cells. Creating a thicker membrane reduces the chances of inside moisture to leak out, and the cell will also be better equipped to remove any unwanted toxins.
Healthy skin cells need strong membranes in order to function in a proper way. Fatty acids are what might be called building blocks of the membranes.
When you increase the fatty acid amounts that you supply to your skin, you are also increasing its own ability to more fully retain moisture.
Studies show that fatty acids in argan oil help your skin in retaining up to one thousand percent more moisture after just one month of treatments done on a daily basis. That’s approximately five TIMES more than any other naturally-made product for skin care available today.
Okay, are you impressed, too? We are!
By working to increase the moisture that your skin cells retain, argan oil allows them to work at their highest capabilities, in effect resolving any elasticity decrease which could lead to wrinkles and fine lines.
Increasing Your Skin’s Moisture Without Creating Unwanted Oil
The major factor that contributes to Essence of Argan success, and that of similar products, is that it can boost your skin’s moisture levels without causing oil overproduction, which is commonly found with many moisturizers.
Many moisture-rich products create too much production of oil since they contain a lot of bad fatty acids, or saturated fats. Your skin can’t use bad fats, and they cause blockages in the pores of your skin.
When that happens, your body will respond by producing more sebum, its natural oil, to help in removing the blockage, and to allow your skin the ability to absorb outside nutrients once more.
Since argan oil contains good fatty acids, not bad, most users have seen a decrease in problems with oily skin. This oil is able to help your body to maintain and regulate oil production levels. For this reason, savvy acne prone consumers are using Essence of Argan instead of the more commonly used cosmetic treatments for acne.
What We Like
It certainly took people long enough, but we all realize now the dangers involved in using chemicals on our skin. Carcinogens are discovered each day, and some are still used in cosmetics. Because of that, people are really looking for natural ways to get similar results.
Argan oil, as far as we’re concerned, is far and away the most powerful solution we’ve seen for bringing about anti-aging effects in your skin. It’s done an excellent job in using only pure oil, as opposed to products that supplement their natural ingredients with cheaper agents for moisturizing.
Argan oil also has many benefits, including:
- It treats acne.
- It works wonders on dry scalp and hair.
- It can help in repairing cracked, dry nails.
- It’s helpful in treating eczema and psoriasis
It’s such a wonderful serum and it works on nearly all hair and skin issues.
We base much of our decisions on the opinions of actual users, and argan oil is showing 4.5 and 5 stars, so it’s clearly appreciated.
What We Don’t Like!
We should mention, in the interest of being unbiased, that there is one major problem when you use argan oil. Since it’s natural, it takes longer for you to see results than you will if you use cosmetic products. This is due to the fact that it doesn’t have any inhibitors, like Botox, which blocks cells inside your facial muscles. That flattens out the skin and reduces wrinkles and fine lines.
Argan oil will take longer to show positive results, since it doesn’t mask the problem; it works to improve your skin’s overall health. That takes one or two weeks for most users to see.
There are benefits to working on your skin naturally, though. You won’t be applying chemicals that might be harmful to your body, and which may harm you over the years.
What’s Our Conclusion?
As we gather more information on the harmful long-term effects of chemicals we use on our skin, the more we’re inclined to recommend natural products. One thing is important, though …
We wonder why it took us so long to cover argan oil, and recommend it to you. In our opinion, it’s absolutely necessary if you want your skin to look healthier and younger. We’re not worried about recommending it to all our readers. That’s why we ranked it the #5 Anti-Aging Treatment for the year 2016.
Rating: 3 stars!
I had so much respect for Dr. Oz. He came across as an intelligent, credible, and thoughtful person. I had no doubt that he did his due diligence before promoting a product however, I have been using Essence of Argan for 7 weeks now and other anti-ageing products that he has been promoting with absolutely no results. Apparently, results are supposed to show up in just one to two weeks. Not only do I not see any results, I have been breaking out from the product and have experienced dry skin in some spots. I am very disappointed to say the least. I am a 52 year old woman and I had hope after trying so many products offering miracles. Dr. Oz’s product endorsements are not any different. Its all smoke in the mirror. PLEASE SPEAK UP if you have tried products and also see no results. Dr. Oz needs to hear about that.
Dr. Oz, I have now tried 2 anti-ageing products that you have been promoting and none of them have worked for me. Frankly, I find your before and after pictures with stars promoting your products as insulting. What you are showing on your website is absolutely impossible from just a cream or oils. Those results would have had to come from surgical interventions or they were highly exaggerated by photo enhancements or the opposite in either the before pictures or after.
Lidia Parfeniuk
Toronto, Ontario
I like you have been very disappointed in all products that I have been using and its been over a year of use of trying all. In no way do I believe in the pictures I see of all these Stars, one picture full of wrinkles the next a beautiful flawless skin. It is just not possible with any skin cream. Medical invention has to come into it or as you say photo enhancements. We are taken for fools with hope but don’t get it.
Does anyone like the Argan cream , can’t find any positive comments ??
I bought 154 dollars worth nearly 2 weeks ago I never got it.
Lidia and Barbara,
Thank you for your review and comments. I haven’t bought the product and probably won’t now. I studied the photos and thought them too good to be true. Also, I didn’t like the fact that they put good quotes about the product under the photos of some famous older women. I doubt that the Duchess of Cornwall or Judy Dench would have made these endorsements. That’s just dishonest and just shows you what this company will stoop too. Still, if they can get every older woman in the developed world to just purchase this product once, they will have made loads of money and then can move on to the next scam. I too am disappointed in Dr Oz. I wonder if he is receiving any direct or indirect benefit from his promotion? Thank you both for taking the time to write and give us the truth.
I bought this nearly 2 weeks ago cost me 154 and still have not received it.
in my opinion;
ALL of his claims are paid claims, having used a few of his recommended products, NONE of the products he ‘Promotes’ actually work.
Thank you guys for warning me and others whom were on the way to buy this oil.
That`s too sad that some people are there to exploit others!!
I`ve lost truest in Dr. OZ!!
Where can I send this back.. I don’t want it and my account has been debited $120 which I didn’t authorise..